Hello, who are you?

Hi there! I am Miss Oliver and I teach English at Munnikenheide College in the Netherlands.

Let me introduce myself! 🙂 My name is Daniella Oliver. My first name is Daniella and my last name is Oliver. I live in Antwerp, Belgium. However, I have British nationality, because my parents are British. Interesting fact, even though I talk with a Belgian accent, I was born in the Netherlands. But sssshhhh, don’t tell anyone! dan11

I am twenty-four years old.  My sister is six years younger than me, so she is eighteen. Her name is Francesca. She is studying Law in Gent. My parents’ names are Robin and Coral, two crazy English people… 😉 Apart from teaching, I love travelling and skiing. My next trip is during the autumn holiday, I’m going to visit Evelien. She is one of my best friends. She’s throwing a birthday party, she is 25 years old!!

Can you tell me who you are?

Task: Write a text where you introduce yourself. Use the sentences from your workbook as a guideline.
Your text must be at least 10 sentences long (volzinnen!).

Post your text under this post. Click on reply, paste your text in the box and fill in your e-mail address.

What did you do last night?

Hello guys,

I would like you to tell me about what you did last night. I cooked dinner for my roommate and my friend Sebastian. We had spaghetti bolognaise, very Italian! Then we laughed at some Vines on Instagram, they were so funny! It was a long time since I had been on Instagram. The last time I checked it was about a week ago. Afterwards, I corrected some tests and then I finally went to bed. 🙂 What did you do?

Task: Write at least 10 sentences using the simple past to talk about what you did last night. Post your story under this post! 😉

Katy perry last friday night